We open w/a recap of last week’s main event, when AJ put the WWE heavyweight champion and his no.1 contender through a table. We get a bonus recap of the double make-out on Smackdown. Live @ the Pepsi Center in Denver and we open with “the most controversial figure in the WWE today,” AJ in […]
We open with a look back at last weeks RAW, when the Big Show left John Cena laying in the ring. Michale Cole reminds us that this is show#997 and in three weeks we make it to show 1000! Lawler and Cole remind us that Money in The Bank is two weeks away. Cena makes […]
We begin with AJ apparently telling Punk, Bryan, and Kane that they should each go there own way. However, the camera pans back to show AJ talking to her own reflection in a mirror. This should be a fun show.
We open with a recap of No Way Out, showing John Cena victorious over Big Show and Vince McMahon firing Johnny Laurenitis as Cena puts him through a table. Also, Cyndi Lauper guest stars tonight. (Why?) Mick Foley is here as special guest GM for tonight and Smackdown this Friday! His first official act is […]
We open with Mr. John Laurenitis coming to the ring. Cole says there are rumors that Vince is very satisfied w/Johnny Ace’s job. Lawler says the rumor is Vince is very unhappy w/Johnny Ace. Vince comes out just as Johnny introduces himself. He gives the duck-walk as the crowd pops huge. Johnny offers a handshake. […]
We open with a video package focusing on the Big Show, and recapping his heel turn and subsequent rampage on RAW and SMACKDOWN, where he put down Brodus Clay, Kofi Kingston and R-Truth, Zack Ryder and Santino. Our opening segment is Michael Cole interviewing John Cena. Cole blames Cena for shows rampage and intros him. […]
We open with the annual Memorial Day tribute montage to our armed forces, asking us to reflect on all we owe them. (Does that include health care and financial aid?) Our “prologue” if you will, is a recap of everything you know by now if you watch WWE programs. Show double-crossed Cena at Over […]
NO! I don’t wanna review RAW! You can’t make me! Nooooooooo! Last night at Over The Limit, a bunch of crap happened, CM Punk retained his title, and John Laurinaitis beat John Cena with help from the Big Show. Let’s see what kind of horrible stuff they make us sit through tonight in one of […]
Another week, another RAW review. I DID have somebody volunteer, but that somebody’s e-mail address they gave me bounced back to me. So, if you’re interested in being our BWF RAW Blogger, please e-mail contact@boredwrestlingfan.com. I don’t remember what happened last week even though I wrote about it and we talked about it on yesterday’s […]
What’s up, fellow Bored Wrestling Fans, it is I, the Vince McMahon to BWF’s WWE, the one and only ThinkSoJoE! And I’m here at work watching RAW and providing you with a review of this week’s RAW, because, well, I haven’t found anybody to cover this show since Justin Ruff stepped down last week. If […]