Tag Archive: CM Punk

  1. WWE RAW 2/3/14 – Punked Out

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    Well.  We can pretty much assume that CM Punk will not be on RAW this week.  Will his absence leave a noticeable mark on the show?  I guess there’s only one way to find out.  Go watch it, you lazy bastards.  What?  It’s my job to write about this show and tell you these things so you don’t have to watch it yourselves?  Alright fine.  Let’s go.

    I watch this show so you don’t have to suffer through it.  That’s because I think you’re awesome.  Unless you’re Richard Sherman.  How much shit are you talking with an injured leg?  Guess you’re limping to DisneyWorld, huh bitch?


  2. BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 111

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    Yes. Yes we do.

    On this Super Sunday edition of BWF Radio, Joe, G, JT, and Mark are joined by former NFL Guard Quinn “Moose” Ojinnaka, who talks about his NFL career, the transition to professional wrestling, and jumps into pro wrestling’s current events, discussing the much publicized walkout of CM Punk.  Punk’s situation is further discussed in the news, as is Matt Hardy and Reby Sky’s recent troubles.  Mick Foley’s reaction to the Royal Rumble was featured, as was Dolph Ziggler’s post match reaction from SmackDown.  All this, and much, much more on this week’s episode of BWF Radio!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 111 (MP3, 2:00:27)


    This week’s break song was “22” by Taylor Swift featuring Sid Vicious (the wrestler, not the Sex Pistols guy).  Since that’s not an actually released version of the song, you can buy the original here.

  3. Let’s Talk About Punk

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    So Gee, you know Gee right? He writes those Smackdown reviews that are infinitely better than the RAW reviews. To be fair RAW sucks. Joe does what he can with a bad product. Look at what happened when I tried to review that show. Well anyway, Gee posted a link to a story on Reddit that Punk was pretty much done with the company. He told Vince that he was leaving and, true to his word, left. The story is that Punk is just really, really tired. He’s burnt out and he’s tired of not being pushed and pretty much everything he said in that good old Pipe Bomb promo from years past.


    At first I was all “Oh no, not Punk. What will they do without him?” and then I remembered something. It goes against every rule of being an IWC member, and certainly a “wrestling journalist” (I write reviews and fantasy book, I’m a journalist now) but I’ve not been that big on Punk for a while now. It’ll be interesting to see what comes of this but I don’t think he’s as big a loss as say, Bryan, would be at this point. Things just really went downhill after the Taker match. The Lesnar stuff was good but the rest of it with Paul Heyman just went on way too long. Punk must have gotten his hands on Heyman about four or five times before that feud finally died.


    As I’ve confessed on the show before, I started watching the product about seven years ago. I enjoyed Punk as he belittled Rey Mysterio in front of his family and sang “Happy birthday” to his daughter. The cage match he had with Jeff Hardy was actually the match where Kayfabe died for me (true story). I loved him as the leader of both the Straight Edge Society and the New Nexus (yes I’m the guy that enjoyed that stuff) and of course, there was the legendary Pipe Bomb. He spent a year plus as the champion, he fought guy after guy after guy in defence of the ultimate prize in the WWE; the title. Was he in the main event? No. Of course not. He’s not Cena. Only Cena can be in the main event. Then he lost the title to a part timer in The Rock. He got Taker after that but just wasn’t the same. After that…well I already covered that. I’ll admit that I would have probably enjoyed seeing him face Triple H at Mania if that was the plan. I still enjoy Punk on some level, and I’ll always say he’s damn good at what he does, but he’s just a shell of his former self. I can’t blame him if he decides to quit. It seems the company quit on him a while back.


    He’s essentially become what Daniel Bryan could be if things don’t change for him; A guy who the fans love, who’s never allowed to be on top, and has just been put down so much no one believes what he says. He’s the Kofi Kingston of the main event. Whenever Kofi gets pushed, no one believes it. Whenever Punk gets pushed, I don’t believe it. I’ll be sad to see him gone, but I won’t be surprised and like he said in the aforementioned “Pipe Bomb”; “After I’m gone, you’re still going to pour money into this company. I’m just a spoke on the wheel. The wheel is going to keep turning and I understand that”


    What should you take away from this? BATISTA RUINS EVERYTHING. A week after he joins the company again and everything has gone to shit.

  4. WWE RAW 12/23/13 – RAW is CHRISTMAS. Yay.

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    I’m in a great mood and having a great night.  First the Buffalo Sabres win a game by shooting the puck down the pants of Phoenix Coyotes’ goaltender Mike Smith – literally.  Then my 49ers clinch a playoff spot by defeating the Atlanta Falcons.  Then I got to hang out with Jorge for a few as he dropped off a brand new copy of Kick-Ass on BluRay, replacing my lost DVD copy.  But now, I have to watch RAW.  CHRISTMAS RAW.  These are NEVER good.  EVER.  And the little bit I saw before I left for work isn’t exactly filling me with hope for this particular edition.  So, despite my better judgment, let’s go.


    I watch three hours of this crap so you can read it and pick what you think might be interesting to watch on the DVR later.  I should get paid for this.  It’s a terrible job sometimes.  


  5. Smackdown 12/20/13


    “It wasn’t supposed to be like this, Bryan! We could have been friends!” Crab Walk…. That was creepy. And so it begins… Mayor McCheese holds all of the titles with a side of french fries. When I last saw him, he only still had the soda, Mr. White. (P.S. Mr. Pink survived. Deal with it).

    Oh yeah, wrestling is on.

    Hopping time…


  6. Bored Wrestling Fan Radio episode 103

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    Joe and Jorge seem preoccupied with their upcoming DDP Yoga session, and JT is all about the snow falling in an NFL game.  G tries to steer everybody on track but gets abducted by Charles Barkley, leaving Mark to fend for himself.  Ok, that doesn’t really happen.  Joe reads Mark’s RAW review, we gloss over IMPACT, and G reads his own SmackDown review.  In the news, we find out just who everybody is working for in the WWE.  Stephanie McMahon sells more stock, and CM Punk ponders if his business is trapped behind a bad app.  We talk about tomorrow night’s Slammy Awards and next week’s BWF Awards.  We welcome back Michael Hayes to the WWE Creative team (we’ll drink to that!).  We learn the digital whereabouts of Evan Karagias, and find out why WWE might be in the IMPACT Zone very soon.  All this, and much, much more on BWF Radio 103!  Tune in!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 103 (MP3, 2:01:44)

    This week’s break song was “Cowboys From Hell” by Pantera.  Buy it here!

  7. WWE RAW 9/16/13: YES! YES! YES!

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    Daniel Bryan is WWE Champion.  I had to check WWE.com again this morning to make sure that actually happened.  It wasn’t a figment of my imagination – for once, a WWE PPV ending didn’t piss off me or my houseguests.  All is right with the world… or is it?

    I watch RAW very late at night and write a recap.  What more do you want?  Read on.


  8. WWE RAW 8/12/13

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    Once again, getting a copy of RAW proved sort of difficult this week.  Luckily, I knew the alternate place to look this week, but it was still a process.  So now it’s 1AM and I’m reviewing RAW.  So, let’s go.

    I watch 30 minutes of RAW, which is equivalent of how much of SmackDown ISN’T RAW recaps, then leave for work.  Then I watch and review the rest, half-assedly because Jorge isn’t on facebook.  You want my RAW reviews to get better, don’t you?  Then go like Jorge!
