Tag Archive: Del Rio

  1. Smackdown 09/27/13 (Slightly Updated).

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    What a horrible night to have a curse. What curse you ask? The responsibility to take out great evil. Through mires of swamp beasts, dungeons of unspeakable undead, and ancient stone structures filled with ghouls I must trek. With nothing but this whip, I will destroy every single candelabra I see in hopes I find holy water or battle axes to aid me in my quest. Or… fuck it, I’ll just watch some wrestling. I’m not getting paid for either, anyways.

    Hopple me Elmo?


  2. WWE RAW 9/23/13

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    Alright.  I feel like shit.  My back hurts, my wrist hurts, and I’m not even going to be around for BWF Radio this Sunday to read this review.  Quite simply, this review is going to suck.  Deal with it.

    I watch 30 minutes of this show, then go to work, watch the rest at work, and write about it.  Or some shit like that.  Look, do you want to know what happened on RAW or not?  Read on.


  3. BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 88

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    Wink. Crotch Grab. Powerbomb.

    The Joe’s RAW review/G’s SmackDown review rivalry becomes a triple threat as Mark presents his Impact review!  Stump JT returns, as does wrestling trivia.  Jorge gets happy for Brooke Tessmacher.  Sami Zayn and Antonio Cesaro get high praise for their 2/3 falls match from those on the crew who have seen it.  In the news, Goldberg throws out the first pitch at a Marlins game, spears some poor schmuck, and gives a response to rumors that he’ll face Ryback at WrestleMania 30.  The debate about whether or not the WWE has plugged the leak that has allowed Dolphins1925 to know the results of every WWE PPV in advance continues.  What does a blue dot, a rapist, and Christian all have in common?  A former WWE writer reveals the answer.  Could AJ Styles be a free agent soon?  What REALLY caused Alberto Del Rio’s black eye?  Will Tara EVER return to TNA?  All these questions are answered in the news segment on today’s show.  All this, and all the great “cock talk” you’d come to expect from BWF Radio!  Tune in!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 88 (MP3, 2:23:41)

    Our break song this week was “Everyone I Love Is Dead” by Type O Negative.  Buy it here!

  4. WWE RAW 7/22/13

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    Hopefully we can finally get RAW to keep the momentum going.  Last week’s show was called by some people I know the best one of the year.  I don’t know necessarily that I agree with that, but the crowd was hot and it definitely helped ease the anger of a lackluster Pay Per View the night before.  Let’s roll!

    I watch 30 minutes of RAW, leave for work, and then watch the rest while writing RAW in whatever style I feel like.  Because this is the “A” show.  SmackDown can have their little make believe stuff, they need it since they’re the “B” show.  It’s all half assed matches and RAW recaps over there anyway.  Screw you, SmackDown review!


  5. WWE RAW 7/15/13 – The Maddox Era begins

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    Fuck.  FUCK.  FUCK.  I have to watch RAW after that PPV last night?  I regretted not ordering Payback last month, and now I really regret it, because it was a far superior show to last night’s Money In The Bank event.  I’m happy with the World Championship MITB match.  I’m happy with the Divas title match, I’m happy with the Tag Title match, but the rest of last night’s PPV (other than Paul Heyman being the person who did the most damage in the “All-Stars” match last night) can go fuck itself.  Oh well, let’s get this over with.

    I watch 30 minutes of RAW, leave for work, then recap the first 30 when I get here (if possible) and then review the rest.  There’s usually some craziness involved with this, some things I write don’t actually happen, and Kodos always shows up.  Also, I play by my own rules.  Screw you, SmackDown review!


  6. Smackdown 07/05/13

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    Well, after two odd weeks of Smackdown reviews due to watching my city flood and then attempting a mad scramble to secure a place to live amidst a throng of displaced Calgarians attempting to do the same, I guess I’m back. Am I better than ever? Not if my name is Eric and I help run Impact. But this is not Impact. This is fucking Smackdown.

    That’s right…

    Hopping time!


  7. RAW 7/1/13: RAW is Half-Ass reviewed.

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    This is my most hated week of the year.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my country, and I love my neighbors to the north in Canada, but in the business I work in outside of BoredWrestlingFan, and in the city in which I work in said business, this is one of the most stressful weeks of the year.  We’re busy early in the week for Canada Day, and then we’re busy later in the week for Independence Day.  On top of that, this week marks 11 years I’ve been in said business, so I face the fact that for over a decade, I haven’t been able to find anything better than what I do.  Oh well.  Let’s go!

    I watch 30 minutes of RAW, leave for work, give you the gist of the first 30, then review the rest of the show with semi-factual information.  Except this week, because I don’t feel like it.  What are you gonna do about it?  Complain?  To who?  This is my site, I do what I want with my reviews.  Plus, I play by my own rules.  Screw you, G’s SmackDown Reviews!


  8. Smackdown 06/28/13

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    Hello folks, it is I, ThinkSoJoE, covering SmackDown for G, who was unavailable to cover the show this evening.  He was, however, kind enough to supply me with a bunch of animated GIFs and witty captions.  So, here we go, as G would say, it’s hopping time!

    I watch this show as it airs every other week and live tweet it.  This was not one of those weeks.  So now I’m watching on DVR and typing about what happens in a semi-factual way.
