Hello, my loves. I know it’s been a very long time since I’ve put up a review, but… It’s the WWE Draft!! I’d make some kind of smart comment, but I haven’t seen RAW in a few weeks. So, here we go.
Jesus Christ, we start out with a RAW vs Smackdown fight in the ring. I missed the beginning, as did everyone el- Oh, god. It’s a battle royal. So, don’t ask me what’s going on, but here’s the order of eliminations as I can see them: The winner of this battle royal gets the first draft pick of 2011!
Hey, my Peeps! Sorry for the absence as of late. I’m in Colorado at the moment and have been really busy lately. That’s no excuse, but life happens. I’m here today to give you some results from this past week’s WWE Superstars. I understand that some people don’t get the channel that carries Superstars, so here we go.
Match 1: Santino and Kozlov vs The Uso’s
Santino picks up the win for his team with the Cobra on one of the brothers. This is good to see, since Santino has been built as a comical jobber throughout the majority of his career in the WWE. We all know he will continue to be that, but it’s good to see him get a win every once in a while.
Match 2: Darren Young vs William Regal
I’m glad Young is getting some face time here. He has talent, but needs to develop his character now that he is out of Nexus. Regal is in a good spot here with a YOUNGer talent…see what I did there??? Regal gets the win here with the running knee.
Nexus invades Superstars. Wade Barrett says that if Cena doesn’t help him win the WWE Title at Bragging Rights, then he will be fired.
Main Event: Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre vs MVP and Chris Masters
I like the pairing of MVP and Masters. I think they could work out if given the opportunity. This was a good match with Cody Rhodes getting the win with the Crossroads.
This match looked like a squash until the end, when Bourne made his comeback and hit his Shooting Star Press for the win. Raw is not doing a good job in building their midcard scene. Masters should be in the US Title race…not losing to Evan Bourne. Evan Bourne should be on Smackdown in the IC Title race…not beating huge guys like Masters and Jack Swagger.
Match 2: William Regal vs Tyler Reks
Tyler Reks sucks. He looks like he needs to take a massive duece when he walks. Regal wins with his running knee. After the match, Big Zeke and Kozlov hit their finishers on Reks for good measure.
Match 3: Cryme Time and Eve vs the Hart Dynasty
Good match…even with the divas involved. Eve looks good in the ring and Natalya is good in the ring. Natalya gets the win after Eve missed her acrobatic splash followed by a Natalya clothesline.
Wednesday. The only day in the week where there is zero wrestling on your TV. Monday Nights are RAW, Tuesdays have ECW. Thursdays make an iMPACT. Friday nights have SmackDown! Saturday Nights are ROH and Sundays are for Pay-Per-View. Where does that leave Wednesday? Luckily, at BoredWrestlingFan, yours truly has completed your weekly wrestling fix.
Superstars: I dont actually watch this show each week. I’m assuming it isnt as good as the opening video for the 1996 version however. 1996 Opening Intro
Smackdown: It seems my predictions from previous columns have come true. Jeff Hardy has become #1 contender and Chris Jericho looks like wrestling Rey Rey for the Intercontinental Championship. I’d like to see John Morrison’s singles push truly begin, maybe start him off in the IC Title feud, then by the end of the year have him up at the World Title level.
ECW: Christian’s Champ and it seems his challengers are Swagger, Henry and Dreamer. So they bring over Kozlov and yet don’t put in the title picture. Instead, they have him against jobbers. Why draft Kozlov over then? He could be doing that on SmackDown!
RAW: Shane McMahon os NOT the Hulk. Even though his last name is McMahon, he does not have super mega ultra powers. It sickens me to watch Shane O hold his own against one of Legacy, let alone three. God I hope Batista doesnt win at Judgment Day. For whatever God it is that exists in the world, please don’t let Batista win.
iMPACT: Lashley has done a grand total of NOTHING so far. MotorCity Machine Guns and LAX were knocked out of the Tag Team tournament, which means it looks like an easy path through to the final for Beer Money Inc. Daniels is accused of being Suicide. Daniels denies and will continue to deny until Kaz is back and able to wrestle, then they will both appear in the ring at the same time, confusing the hell outta everyone. Then they will take off the Suicide mask and realize it was Mr. Dean, the Farmer. Then Mr. Dean will say that he woulda gotten away with it too, if it werent for those MotorCity Machine Guns.
Short-ish but sweet, just the way I like it. Dont forget to check out all the details about the Priceless Wedding over at VinceRussoWatchesHisBeardGrow.com. I am the REAL Legend Killer, reminding you, that the Daschund is the best dog to have sex with.
Tonight on Raw from the AT&T center In San Antonio Texas, it’s tag team action as Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker will take on Vladimir Kozlov and JBL. Also tonight, another must see as Chris Jericho challenges WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair to come out of retirement and face him in a match, as Raw continues on the road to The WrestleMania 25!
Hey everybody. Just wanted to chime in and give my two cents on Cyber Sunday. Taking a look at the card here’s how it looks:
1. WWE Championship (WWE Universe chooses challenger) choices are:
a. Jeff Hardy
b. Kozlov
c. Both
What I think should happen- I would like to see HHH take on both of them. Then during the match HHH gets knocked out of the ring, Kozlov does his headbutt thingy on Jeff Hardy, pins him and wins the WWE title.
What probably will happen- Jeff hardy gets 90% of the vote and faces HHH one-on-one, with HHH coming out on top.
2. Undertaker vs. Big Show (WWE Universe chooses type of match) choices are:
a. Knockout Match
b. I Quit Match
c. Last Man Standing Match
What I think should happen- I don’t have much to say about this match so I’m going with Last man standing.
What will probably happen- Last man standing, Taker gets his win back.
3. WWE Diva Halloween Costume Contest– I don’t care, nuff said.
4. Pick the Tag Team Match choices are:
a. World Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase vs. CM Punk & Kofi Kingston
b. John Morrison & The Miz vs. Cryme Tyme
c. Jamie Noble & Mickie James vs. William Regal & Layla
What I think should happen- First, let me say what won’t happen. The mixed tag match. If it gets more than 10% of the vote I’ll be surprised. Now back on the subject, I think that the tag title match will happen.
What probably will happen- Tag title match, Punk and Kingston win.
5. Cyber Sunday Preview Match (United States Championship Match) the choices are:
Wow good to see Shelton get on the card (even if it’s a preview match on wwe.com) and no doubt that he’s gonna be facing and losing the belt to R-Truth. (that’s both what I think and probably will happen)
6. ECW Championship Match (WWE Universe chooses Matt Hardy’s opponent) Choices are:
a. Mark Henry
b. Evan Bourne
c. Finlay
What I think will happen- If anyone has seen Evan Bourne, then there should be no doubt that he should be facing Matt Hardy.
What probably will happen- Evan Bourne faces Matt. The guy is awesome and even proved it last Tuesday on ECW so that will turn the vote in his direction.
7. Kane vs. Rey Mysterio (WWE Universe chooses type of match) choices are:
Falls Count Anywhere Match
No Holds Barred Match
Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match
What I think should happen- Ugh, this is one feud I don’t care about. I am not a fan of Rey Mysterio’s (never have) so anything involving him I just don’t give a s#@*. I gonna go with No Hols Barred.
What will probably will happen- Falls Count Anywhere. Kane kills Rey and takes his mask.
a. “Rowdy” Roddy Piper
b. Goldust
c. Honky Tonk Man
What I think will happen- Goldust, um no. Honky Tonk Man maybe. Granted I know that his whole gimmick is revolved the Honky Tonk Man and the Honk-A-Meter, but I just don’t see it happening when the other choice is Rowdy Roddy Piper. He should clearly win this vote.
What probably will happen- Charlie Haas dressed as the Honky Tonk Man does the job to Santino.
9.World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho vs. zzzz, I mean Batista (WWE Universe chooses referee) choices are:
a. Randy Orton
b. “Stone Cold” Steve Austin
c. Shawn Michaels
Man even Batista puts me to sleep even typing his name.
What I think will happen- Randy Orton being a choice is a joke. If he gets more than 5% of the votes I will know this whole thing is rigged. This is going to be very close between HBK and Stone Cold. Since Austin is supposed to be there and I don’t see having him there and not using him so he wins.
What probably will happen- Austin gets 50%, HBK 49%, Orton 1%. Austin during the match gets pissed off at both Jericho and Batista, stuns them counts them both down but just before 3 Jericho gets his arm on Batista and retains.
Well those are my thoughts on Cyber Sunday, hope you didn’t too bored and go away. If you didn’t thanks for reading and hop to see you soon.