TNA Impact 10/9/14; #BetterThanRaw
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So. Here’s an interesting predicament. My computer is not currently allowing me to search Google. So it might actually be somewhat difficult for me to find images to post in this review. Apparently some jackass on the same wireless network I’m on was sending automated requests to Google which caused them to Ambrose “nope.” So, let’s hope for the best!
I watch 30 minute of RAW then leave for work to watch the rest here and type up what happened, mostly so YOU don’t have to suffer through it yourself. Aren’t you lucky to know me?
You know, I think my couch might be a little too comfortable. Last night I fell asleep watching Extreme Rules, which was a solid event top to bottom, and tonight I fell asleep watching RAW. Maybe it’s just me recovering from the illness that kept me from doing this RAW review last week. Who knows. Maybe it was RAW that put me to sleep? Guess we’ll find out over the next few hours. Let’s go!
Blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda. You know my deal by now. Watch at home, leave before it ends, watch again to review. Just click the jump.
No wisecracks or jokes to start this week’s RAW review. WWE has dedicated tonight to honoring the memory of Warrior, and out of respect for Warrior, I will save such nonsense for the performers on the show. For what it’s worth, the autopsy results are in, Warrior died of heart disease. While the investigation is still ongoing, it should be noted that the initial reports say natural causes, so no matter what some TV talking head would have you believe, Warrior’s death did not involve drugs or alcohol.
Let me tell you right now that the first hour of this show pretty much dragged. That said, I’m going to be really skimming through it this week. The second hour was actually pretty good, and the start of hour three? Well, you’ll see when we get there. So, let’s go!
I watch the first two hours at home, drive to work, then have to watch the entire show again because I forgot what happened and didn’t have the foresight to review it live. It’s irrelevant anyway – you’re more interested in Gregory Iron being our special guest on this Sunday’s BWF Radio.
Here we go again. Another Monday, another RAW that I have to leave for work in the middle of a great segment involving Daniel Bryan. But we’ll get to that later. There’s other stuff that happened first. Let’s see how much I can remember and how much I actually have to re-watch. Which might be a lot since I had in-laws over while RAW was on. Let’s go!
I watch RAW. I press “enter” to add line breaks, and they mysteriously vanish by time I read the review on BWF Radio. Meanwhile, I make no money doing this, and I’m flat broke until payday. If only I could come up with a way to generate some money…
That Damn Double C’s Dallas Stars beat my Sabres and ended their winning streak tonight. But that’s hockey talk. You’re here for wrestling. You guys want to know what happened on Monday Night RAW. Did CM Punk show up? The hell if I know. I’m still waiting to get RAW to review for you. I watched most of the show, and I actually didn’t want to leave when I had to because there was a good segment going on. So, let’s see what I can do from memory before I actually get a copy of the show. I watch until I have to leave. Then I forget what happened and have to relay it to you as I watch it again. So yes, I suffer through most of this show TWICE for you. You’re welcome. Now go run along to the SmackDown review and tell G how great he is. (more…)
It’s the last stop on the road to the last ever Pay Per View us folks in the US will ever have to spend $54.95 on. The WWE Network premieres next Monday, but let’s see what the WWE have in store for us before we get there, shall we? Let’s roll!
I watch 30 minutes. I leave. Then I have to sit through this show a week later. Maybe next week I won’t have to watch it by nefarious means once I get to work. Time will tell.
If you haven’t heard by now, the main event for tonight’s Monday Night RAW was announced last week. I refuse to watch it. Which means I’m not reviewing it either. In fact, there will be no mention of this match in this review. The participants may be referred to if they do something outside of the match, but that’s it. If you give a shit about said main event, it’s probably on and you can go watch it there. It’s not even the fact that I don’t care too much for the two guys actually wrestling in the match (though that’s part of it), it’s moreso the fact that this is the match that we were supposed to PAY for in both December and January. It’s been done. I’m done with it. Fuck it. Let’s go.
I watch this show, and I often find myself questioning why, now moreso than ever. What really is best for business? Not listening to the fans? I hope half the viewers changed the channel during the main event. Read on.
So, you guys know the deal – I usually watch 30 minutes of RAW, leave for work, and review the rest of this show in real time as I watch it. Well, due to inclement weather here in Buffalo, I find myself sitting at home right now, having watched all but 30 minutes of RAW. I went out to catch my bus to work, but although the local bus company insists that their buses were all running on time today, mine never showed up. At the time I left, it was 11 degrees Fahrenheit with a wind chill of -20. As I type this, it’s 1 with a wind chill of -32. So, if you can’t tell, IT’S FUCKING COLD OUTSIDE! So, I called my boss, told him I couldn’t make it in, then came home and watched the rest of Old School RAW. Afterward, I did some DDP Yoga, so I’m here now to actually review the whole show. Let’s go!
I watch 30 minutes of RAW, freeze my ass off waiting for a bus that never shows up, and then come home and watch the rest of RAW. That’s how this particular RAW review works. It’s only getting colder!