Tag Archive: Mark Henry

  1. SmackDown 1/3/14: Revenge of the Sith

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    So.  G’s clone decided he wanted to take over my RAW review on Monday, huh?  Well then, two can play at that game.  G’s locked up in his own apartment basement (Team Alpha rescued JT, and caught G while he was trying to stop us), and I’m here to tell you all about… SmackDown?  This show is still on the air?  Oh well.  Fuck it.  It’s hopping time!

    I watch, write, suffer, and succumb to this show, yet I have to put my first animated GIF below the fold so the dudes at Wonderpod don’t yell at me.  This is not your typical SmackDown review.  I have no intent of taking this show seriously, since it was taped almost a week ago, a day before RAW even aired – and RAW was live, so I don’t expect a lot of storyline advancement out of this show.  So fuck it, let’s go!  And fuck you, RAW review!


  2. BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 106

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    Jorge returns and… the show goes less than two hours?!?  Yes folks, Joe, JT, G, Jorge, and Mark return to tell you all about the wonderful week that was in professional wrestling, including RAW, IMPACT, and SmackDown reviews and all the latest professional wrestling news.  Will Brock Lesnar return for one more UFC fight?  Cowboy James Storm talks about Wildcat Chris Harris’ run in WWE as Braden Walker.  Mark Henry talks about Kizarny – the gimmick, anyway.  Samoa Joe may or may not be welcome back to ROH if he chose to return.  Ricardo Rodriguez is the new Heath Slater?  All this, and much more on BWF Radio Episode 106!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 106 (MP3, 1:57:42)

    This week’s break song was “Somber” by Jeff Burgess, which, as usual when Mark picks the song, I can’t find a link to buy.

  3. WWE RAW 12/10/13 – The Slammy Awards


    While I believe Mark did an excellent job filling in for me last week, an event the caliber of the Slammys needs something special.  And as such, I’ve gone out and gotten a Slammy Award winner to write the RAW review this week – me!  Yes, it is I, the Slammy Award Winning ThinkSoJoE taking the helm once again as RAW presents the 2013 Slammy Awards!  Earlier today, yours truly won one of the WWE.com Slammys.  Don’t believe me?  Look!

    I was there!  Slammy Award Winner, baby!

    I was there! Slammy Award Winner, baby!

    Anyways, I digress.  Let’s roll!

    I watch 30 minutes of RAW, then leave for work, then review the rest of RAW in real-time as I watch it.  Except for when I fast-forward.  Then it’s not really “real-time,” I guess.  In any event, this review is being written by a Slammy Award Winner.  The SmackDown review can’t say that.  The RAW review can.  So that makes the RAW review better!  Of course, since it’s a popularity contest, I’ll probably lose the BWF Award.  I give them a place to talk wrestling and they like that G guy better than me.  Bastards.  


  4. WWE RAW 11/25/13 – Spears for everybody!

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    Last night, the seeds were planted for a unification of the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships.  Jorge wasn’t happy about it, but it left me intrigued.  What will happen tonight on Monday Night RAW?  Go watch and find out.  Let me know what happens.  Oh wait, that’s my job.  Shit.  Ok.  Forget G, I’m with Xavier Woods – It’s Morphin’ Time!

    This is the part of the review where I’m supposed to explain how my reviews work.  But you guys already know how they work.  I watch a TV show, then I tell you what happened, so that I can save you three hours of your life.  Which means, this text is only here to keep up appearances before the fold.  So stop wasting your time reading this and click the “Click to continue reading ‘WWE RAW 11/25/13 – Spears for everybody!'” link.  You know you want to…


  5. WWE RAW 7/22/13

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    Hopefully we can finally get RAW to keep the momentum going.  Last week’s show was called by some people I know the best one of the year.  I don’t know necessarily that I agree with that, but the crowd was hot and it definitely helped ease the anger of a lackluster Pay Per View the night before.  Let’s roll!

    I watch 30 minutes of RAW, leave for work, and then watch the rest while writing RAW in whatever style I feel like.  Because this is the “A” show.  SmackDown can have their little make believe stuff, they need it since they’re the “B” show.  It’s all half assed matches and RAW recaps over there anyway.  Screw you, SmackDown review!


  6. WWE RAW 7/15/13 – The Maddox Era begins

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    Fuck.  FUCK.  FUCK.  I have to watch RAW after that PPV last night?  I regretted not ordering Payback last month, and now I really regret it, because it was a far superior show to last night’s Money In The Bank event.  I’m happy with the World Championship MITB match.  I’m happy with the Divas title match, I’m happy with the Tag Title match, but the rest of last night’s PPV (other than Paul Heyman being the person who did the most damage in the “All-Stars” match last night) can go fuck itself.  Oh well, let’s get this over with.

    I watch 30 minutes of RAW, leave for work, then recap the first 30 when I get here (if possible) and then review the rest.  There’s usually some craziness involved with this, some things I write don’t actually happen, and Kodos always shows up.  Also, I play by my own rules.  Screw you, SmackDown review!


  7. RAW 7/8/13 – The Wyatt Family arrive!

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    Unlike most Mondays, I wasn’t home for the first 30 minutes of RAW.  The only thing I know about tonight’s episode is that The Wyatt Family were trending on Twitter before the show even started.  That said, I feel like crap, haven’t been home in over 24 hours, and I’m hoping I don’t fall asleep in the tattoo chair tomorrow while getting inked.  Fuck it, let’s go!

    Stuff, stuff, stuff and stuff, history and stuff and stuff, people, people, someone’s name, history and sports.  Big disaster, someone’s name, stuff and stuff and stuff and stuff, history, someone’s name, something I don’t know.  Famous guy, movie star, don’t know who these people are, stuff and stuff and history, yelling really loud at me.  Yes.  That’s how many fucks I give right now.  Also, I play by my own rules.  Screw you, SmackDown review!
