Tag Archive: Red Monster

  1. Power Poll 4/27/12

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    Welcome to the Power Poll for another week!

    1. Brock Lesnar (3)

    If this week’s poll is any indication, wrestling fans want to see announcers get beat up and wrestlers demanding things from the General Manager.  Brock Lesnar returns to the top.

    2. CM Punk (1)

    They also love fake sobriety tests, apparently.  Though I have to admit, CM Punk was EPIC during this segment.  He still flubbed saying the alphabet backwards though.

    3. Chris Jericho (NR)

    Chris Jericho returns to action, defeating Kofi Kingston on RAW and setting up said fake sobriety test.  I’m sure it was the great match that sent Jericho back into the top 10.

    4. Edge (NR)

    Want to get into the top 5 on the Power Poll?  Go away for a while then come back.  The voters here LOVE a great comeback.  Hence, Brock Lesnar being in the top 3 every week since he’s been back.  Edge came to RAW to talk sense into John Cena, and he’s sitting at number 4.

    5. Lord Tensai (2)

    Lord Tensai dominates R-Truth, but fails to continue his Power Poll dominance, dropping 3 to number 5.

    6. Sheamus (4)

    The World Heavyweight Champion wins in a six-man on SmackDown (the SmackDown that counts towards these is LAST WEEK’s), but loses ground as he’s screwed over, then forced to tap out, by Daniel Bryan.

    7. Big Show (10)

    Show picked up the victory for his team in said six-man, then picked up the win for his team in a tag match on RAW.

    8. Randy Orton (NR) 

    The Viper didn’t do much of note on SmackDown, but came to RAW, kidnapped Kane’s father Paul Bearer, and then sent the Big Red Monster fleeing through the crowd.

    9. Ryback (9)

    Arrive.  Squash Jobber.  Leave.  A holding pattern for Ryback on both SmackDown and the Power Poll.

    10. Nikki Bella (NR)

    The new WWE Divas Champion rounds out the Power Poll for this week.

    Fallen Out Of The Top 10:
    Daniel Bryan, Santino Marella, Bobby Rhoode, Brodus Clay

    (Last week’s Position)

  2. SmackDown! (02/25/11): Dolph Withdrawal


    Last week, the WWE celebrated its 600th episode of SmackDown!, and it was quite the eventful night – Teddy Long returned, rehired Edge, and then promptly fired Dolph Ziggler after the Rated R Superstar recaptured his World Heavyweight Championship.

    Tonight, how will Vickie (and myself, for that matter!) deal with the loss of Dolph Ziggler? What repercussions will she face for her role in recent events? Let’s find out!


  3. Power Poll 10/20/10

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    I haven’t been voting the last couple of weeks, for whatever reason, and I apologize for not getting the poll up here on BWF last week, but here we go with this week’s!

    1. Wade Barrett (Last week: 1)

    Abusing his power over John Cena and The Nexus and utterly destroying the WWE Champion leaves Wade Barrett number one on the Power Poll for the second straight week.

    2. Big Show (NR)

    The Big Show led the entire SmackDown roster into RAW and led them to victory (along with Edge) over the RAW roster in a battle royal.  Huge momentum for the World’s Largest Athlete heading into Bragging Rights on Sunday.

    3. Randy Orton (3)

    The Viper teamed with John Cena to defeat Husky Harris and Michael McGuillicutty, but his failure to fight off The Nexus after the match leaves Randy Orton at number 3.

    4. Edge (9)

    So much for Smurfette – Edge saved The Big Show from certain elimination and helped win the battle royal for Team SmackDown Monday night.

    5. The Miz (2)

    Having the testicular fortitude to face The Big Show in a one on one matchup and then lasting as long as he did in the battle royal probably didn’t do as much for The Miz’s standing on the Poll as his Smurfy promo against Team SmackDown.

    6. Kane (4)

    The Big Red Monster was nowhere to be found Monday Night when SmackDown invaded RAW, but neither was his brother The Undertaker, so I suppose that’s not that surprising.  As long as he is the World Champion, it seems Kane has a spot in the top 10.  Will that continue after the buried alive match?

    7. John Cena (6)

    Cena’s subservience to Wade Barrett continues to push him further down the Power Poll.  What I don’t get is why Cena looked upset Monday Night while the rest of Nexus destroyed his long time rival Randy Orton.  Oh well.

    8. Jeff Hardy (5)

    It goes to show that as long as you’re a World Champion, you’re likely to be on the Power Poll.  Of course, Hardy, despite slipping this week, is still riding that wave of momentum that winning a title will get you in this voting process.  We’ll see what he does on iMPACT this week and see where he winds up on next week’s poll.

    9. Undertaker (NR)

    All the Undertaker has to do is make an appearance, and it seems that he’ll make the Power Poll.  That’s the power of the Phenom.

    10. Daniel Bryan (NR)

    The WWE United States Champion made the WWE Intercontinental Champion tap out Monday on RAW, and then busted a move with the smart, sexy, and powerful WWE Divas.  Bragging rights are on the line this Sunday!

    Dropped out: C.M. Punk, Sheamus, Rey Mysterio

    The Power Poll is a weekly top 10 ranking of wrestlers as voted by members of these wonderful sites: BoredWrestlingFan.comFuture EndeavorsHit the RopesNoVaWPodcastOh My WrestleBlogOnline World of WrestlingPIZZABODYSLAM, Pro Wrestling Ponderings, Project WonderboyRingside RantsSmark Out MomentSmarks Anonymous, The Superplex, The Wrestling Blog,WrestlingAdikt.com, WrestleRage.comWrestling Nuggets and Wrestlespective. Follow the Power Poll voters on Twitter. If you have a wrestling site and are interested in becoming a voter, e-mail wrestlespective(at)gmail.com.

  4. Power Poll 8/11/10: Better late than never


    Power Poll 8/11/10: Better late than never edition

    1. The Miz (5)

    The United States Champion nearly took Evan Bourne’s head off, then convinced John Cena and Bret Hart to tell him that they need him.  Mr. Money In The Bank returns to the number one slot on the Power Poll because he’s The Miz, and he’s AWESOME!

    2. John Cena (4)

    John Cena managed to even out the playing field with The Nexus this week with the return of Edge and Chris Jericho to Team WWE.

    3. Rob Van Dam (8)

    Mr. Pay Per View proved it in a hell of a match with longtime ECW rival Sabu at HardCORE Justice.  Rob Van Dam carries the TNA World Heavyweight Championship back up the rankings with him this week.

    4. Sheamus (3)

    The Fellabration continues, although the WWE Champion slips to number 4 in this week’s Power Poll after being shown up by Randy Orton.  Destroying the NXT Rookies probably prevented him from slipping further.

    5. Randy Orton (1)

    Meanwhile, the number one contender drops from the number one spot in our poll.  Running Sheamus off doesn’t help The Viper stay at the top.

    6. Kane (2)

    The lowest ranked World Champion this week is the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Kane.  Does Rey Mysterio’s accusation that Kane is behind The Undertaker’s attack have anything to do with The Big Red Monster’s dramatic drop this week?

    7. Rey Mysterio (7)

    Rey Mysterio may or may not be behind the attack on The Undertaker, but one thing’s for sure, he’s behind number 7 for a second straight week here in the Power Poll.

    8. Chris Jericho (6)

    After a run-in with The Nexus during RAW’s main event, Chris Jericho re-joined Team WWE.  He also dropped two spots in the Power Poll.   I’d say you’re either Nexus or you’re against us, but I don’t see Wade Barrett and Co. anywhere on this list.

    9. Dolph Ziggler (NR)

    To further prove that all you have to do to get yourself on the Power Poll is win a championship, Dolph Ziggler won the Intercontinental Championship on Friday Night, now finding himself ranked at number 9.

    10. Edge (NR)

    Returning to the list this week is another man who re-joined Team WWE after a brawl with The Nexus, The Rated R Superstar, Edge.

    The Power Poll is a weekly top 10 ranking of wrestlers as voted by members of these sites: BoredWrestlingFan.comHit the Ropes,NoVaWPodcastOnline World of WrestlingPIZZABODYSLAM, Pro Wrestling Ponderings, Project Wonderboy, Ringside Rants, The Superplex, The Wrestling Blog, WrestlingAdikt.com, WrestleRage.com and Wrestlespective. If you have a wrestling site and are interested in becoming a voter, e-mail wrestlespective (at) gmail.com.

  5. Power Poll 7/21/10: That’s got to be Kane!

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    Power Poll 7/21/10: That’s got to be Kane!

    1. Kane (NR)

    The Big Red Monster had a pretty good night on Sunday, winning and subsequently cashing in the SmackDown Money In The Bank contract to become the new World Heavyweight Champion, at the expense of Rey Mysterio (my vote:  1)

    2. Sheamus (4)

    Meanwhile, the WWE Championship has remained in the possession of one man – Sheamus.  Despite interference from The Nexus on Sunday and a close call with RAW Money In The Bank winner The Miz, the first Irish-born WWE Champion has managed to hang on to his title.  (my vote:  2)

    3. The Miz (6)

    Speaking of RAW’s Mr. Money In The Bank, The Miz has shown that he’s a threat to the WWE Championship at any moment.  If it weren’t for R-Truth, Miz would be in the top two right now.  (my vote: 3)

    4. Randy Orton (2)

    The new number one contender for the WWE Championship at SummerSlam has also become a superstar on Twitter, hitting the Trending Topics for a second straight week and then joining the microblogging service himself.  (my vote:  10)

    5. Rob Van Dam (1)

    While he didn’t do enough this week to keep his spot at the top of the list, TNA’s World Champion’s aligning with the invading former ECW members seems to be enough to keep him in the top 5.  (my vote:  5)

    6. John Cena (5)

    Despite losing due to Nexus interference in the steel cage match at Money In The Bank, John Cena redeemed himself the following night on RAW, putting together a team of WWE All-stars to battle The Nexus at SummerSlam.  (my vote: 4)

    7. Wade Barrett (9)

    The leader of the Nexus showed that he can handle himself in a one on one situation as he put down the World’s Strongest Man on RAW.  (my vote:  6)

    8. Rey Mysterio (10)

    The former World Champion had a strong showing in a victory over Jack Swagger at Money In The Bank before dropping the title to Kane in an impromptu match.  (my vote:  NR)

    9. Kurt Angle (8)

    Doing nothing of note this week, Kurt Angle drops slightly in our rankings.  (my vote:  NR)

    10. Chris Jericho (NR)

    Jericho’s decision to join forces with John Cena and his group at SummerSlam has impressed our voters enough to earn him a spot in this week’s Power Poll (my vote: NR)

    Others voted for by me: Samoa Joe (7), John Morrison (8), and Kofi Kingston (9)

    Dropped out: Jack Swagger, Edge

    Also receiving votes: Samoa Joe, Jay Lethal, Jack Swagger, Abyss, Edge, Ted DiBiase (Jr.), Neutronic, Evan Bourne, Mascarita Dorada, John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, Cody Rhodes, Vegetative Undertaker, Jeff Hardy, Nexus

    Participating sites: BoredWrestlingFan.com, Hit the Ropes, Online World of WrestlingPIZZABODYSLAM, Pro Wrestling Ponderings,Project Wonderboy, Ringside Rants, The Superplex, The Wrestling Blog, WrestlingAdikt.com, WrestleRage.comWrestlespective

    If you write for a wrestling website or podcast and want to be a voter in the Power Poll, e-mail wrestlespective(at)gmail.com and include a link to your site.

  6. Who’s going where? RAW, 4/13/09


    I’d hate to have to do this, especially since I skipped out on ECW and SmackDown last week (and, in fact, have not seen either of them), but something came up when I was getting set to review RAW that led to me having to leave and miss most of the show.  Sure, it’s on my DVR, but still, this is a special night of RAW, and it can’t be cast aside to be watched tomorrow and reviewed then.  Indeed, folks, tonight was Draft night.  I was going to post predictions earlier in the day but decided against it.  The only person I really felt was definitely moving was Triple H, and “my predictions:  Triple H to RAW” is not exactly a compelling article.  I also was going to predict that something absolutely insane would happen to Vince McMahon, since that’s been the case at the draft shows for the last two years.

    Who’s going where?  RAW results and my thoughts after the jump! (more…)

  7. SmackDown in MyRealTime; 10/3/08

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    I was far too lazy this morning to actually do a review of last night’s iMPACT, but since the WWE packed up and moved all the way from the CW to MyNetwork TV, the least I could do is SmackDown in Real-Time!  You know how it works; quick results up here, full details after the jump.

    SmackDown is on MyNetwork TV right now!  Check your local listings to find out where you can watch in your area, and keep refreshing every few minutes for the latest updates!

    Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio, Finlay, & Batista def. MVP, JBL, The Brian Kendrick, & Kane when Hardy pinned MVP.

    Intercontinental Champion Santino Marella def United States Champion Shelton Benjamin by pinfall after a distraction from R-Truth.

    Mark Henry & The Great Khali def. Chavo Guerrero via submission when Khali locked in the vice grip.

    CM Punk& The Colons def. Team Priceless when Punk pinned Ted DiBiase.

    WWE Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix def. WWE Diva’s Champion Michelle McCool via pinfall after The Glam Slam.

    WWE Champion Triple H def. World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho vs. ECW Champion Matt Hardy by pinning Hardy in a triple threat match.

    Detailed results after the jump! (more…)