Tag Archive: Shelton Benjamin

  1. WWE Superstars

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    Hey, my Peeps!  I’m back from a 2 week hiatus.  I have been out of town skiing.  Let’s get this thing started.

    Match 1:  Jillian Hall vs Kelly Kelly

    Jillian comes out first and sings a Miley Cyrus song.  Kelly Kelly interupts with her entrance.  I don’t like diva wrestling, but Kelly Kelly has gotten better.  She is still nowhere near good enough to be an in-ring performer.  Why can’t WWE get women who can actually wrestle?  How does TNA get women who look good, but can also wrestle?  Anyways…Kelly Kelly wins with a Leg Drop to the back of Jillian’s head.  Michael Cole called it the Kelly Kick.  I guess we can go with that name for now.  Too much time was devouted to this craptacular match.

    Match 2:  Shelton Benjamin vs Vance Archer

    This match should not be on ECW as a top level fued for the show, so  Superstars is the right venue for this one.  I hate Archer’s tramp stamp too!  This match is really clumsy tonight.  Vance Archer is normally pretty aggressive and physical, but going into the commercial break, he really hasn’t displayed it in this match.  We come back from commercial, with Archer in control.  He is starting to be more dominant, but still seems slow and unsure of what to do.  I’m not sure what to think of his character.  The fans are really dead on the guy, but Shelton isn’t getting much pop in this match either.  Josh Matthews and Byron Saxton even commented on how boring this match is by saying not to fall asleep.  The clumsiness of this match is mind-boggling.  It’s no wonder that Shelton Benjamin has never been pushed to the main event level.  The guy can’t carry a match with a guy who is clearly low-level at this point.  It wouldn’t surprise me if Archer was released during the next batch of firings.  Shelton gets the win over the undefeated Vance Archer with a very anti-climactic role up pin.  This match was awful.

    Ask the Divas….yawn

    Main Event:  Chris Jericho vs Kane

    Random main event match for Superstars…what else is new???  WWE has missed so many opportunities with Kane.  He can be pushed to be so dominant if creative will just book him correctly.  I also feel as if they have sort of ruined Chris Jericho’s persona.  They have him cowarding out to everybody right now.  They need to freshen him up a little bit.  However, this might be the best main event we have ever had on Superstars.  These two guys are Hall of Famers in my opinion.  The match goes to commercial with Kane flipping over the top ropes and to the floor below.  When was the last time a match didn’t go to commercial after someone went to the outside?  Back from commercial and this match really picks up.  It ends when Jericho cowards out of the ring and walks away for the countout.

    Alrighty then…see you guys next week for another Superstars.

  2. WWE Superstars

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    Happy New Year BWFers.  Last night was the final WWE program of the decade.  Hope you had a safe holidays.  Due to time constraints, I will only provide the results of the show. 

    Match 1:  Melina vs Alicia Fox

    Winner:  Melina via Sunset Flip Bomb

    Match 2:  Shelton Benjamin vs Vance Archer

    Winner:  Shelton Benjamin via DQ after Archer was called for a 5 count in the corner. 

    Match 3:  Cryme Tyme vs Mike Knox and Charlie Haas

    Winner:  Cryme Tyme via JTG’s Shout Out

    Main Event:  MVP and Chris Masters vs Jack Swagger and Carlito

    Winner:  Swagger and Carlito via Carlito’s Backstabber

    Have a great 2010, Peeps!  See ya next week.

  3. ECW 12/29


    We’re at the final ECW of the year, and if rumors are to be believed we may be nearing one of the last ECW’s ever. We’ve got more ECW homecoming matches with Matt Hardy and Evan Bourne making their returns.

  4. WWE Superstars

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    Hello, all.  Don’t call it a comeback.  I’ve been here for years.  Well, I was here last week if you don’t recall.  Let’s dive in and see what we can find.

    Match 1:  Cryme Tyme vs Mike Knox and Dolph Ziggler

    Alright!  We have a Dolph Ziggler sighting.  Dolph Ziggler has become a resident of WWE Superstars of late.  I think it would make sense to have him on ECW right now.  It would give him some exposure on a show that people actually watch on a semi-regular basis.  Think about a Dolph Ziggler and Shelton Benjamin feud.  That sounds great to me.  But, I digress.  I also just noticed that Shad shaved off his corn-rows.  When did that happen???  JTG pins Mike Knox with the Shout Out.  Todd Grisham tried to use the word “redunkulous” for some reason.  He shouldn’t try words like that.  He sounds “redunkulous”!!!

    Trailer for The Marine 2

    Believe it or not, I think this movie acutally looks better than the first one.  It doesn’t look nearly as cheesy.

    Match 2: Vance Archer (aka Lance Hoyt from TNA fame) vs Tommy Dreamer

    Vance Archer and his tramp stamp look very generic, but I like his intensity…and they guy is gigantic.  He has the potential to be ECW (or whatever they plan on calling it) Champ someday.  Vance Archer wins with his Reverse DDT.  Does that have a name yet???

    Main Event:  Jack Swagger vs MVP

    Didnt this match already happen last week???  At least these guys are getting some TV time.  Can somebody please explain to me how RAW can be 3 hours long and not have Jack Swagger and MVP on it in some sort of match???  Even Yoshi Tatsu and Zack Ryder who aren’t on the brand were involved in a 6-man tag match.  Swagger has a match on ECW on Tuesday, so I guess that means he might be going back there.  Way to drop the ball on this guy.  Shoot…way to drop the ball on both of these guys.  There was no reason to move Swagger off ECW to begin with if he wasn’t going to be used.  Now they have to rebuild to guy.  Kinda seems inefficient and unproductive to me.  MVP hit the Drive By and the Playmaker to get the win.  This match was great.  I guess any time these guys can get on TV they better put on a good show.

    Thanks for reading and I’ll see you next week.

  5. ECW 12/15

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    ECW’s already had a busy week. On Sunday Christian defeated Shelton Benjamin to retain the ECW title.

    On Raw he was challenged to a six man tag team match by William Regal. He chose Kane and Khali as his partners to limit the amount of work he had to do and got his second win.

    And Yoshi Tatsu scored a quick win in a six man tag pinning Zack Ryder.

    And now Tiffany has invited Kane to be on the show. To quote Kane “I’m back.”

  6. WWE TLC 2009 quick results

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    I haven’t had a chance to see the show yet, but we’re a wrestling website, and there were some pretty big happenings tonight, so I figured I’d at least post the results for you guys.

    Christian def. Shelton Benjamin in a Ladder Match to retain the ECW Championship

    Drew McIntyre def. John Morrison to become the NEW WWE Intercontinental Champion

    Michelle McCool def. Mickie James to retain the WWE Women’s Championship

    Sheamus def. John Cena in a Tables Match to become the NEW WWE CHAMPION!

    The Undertaker def. Batista in a Chairs Match to retain the World Heavyweight Championship.  Batista originally won, but Teddy Long ordered the match to restart due to Batista using a low blow.

    Randy Orton def. Kofi Kingston

    DX def. Jeri-Show in a TLC Match to become the NEW WWE Unified Tag Team Champions

  7. BWF Roundtable: TLC


    Welcome to another edition of the BWF Roundtable.  I am JT, your host for the evening as we look at the TLC pay per view.  Joining me tonight are BWF writers Drowgoddess & Tharvey1 along with fellow BWF follower RYTMAN.  Well without further ado lets get this show on the road: (more…)