Tag Archive: Twist Of Fate

  1. ROH 3/30/13 Edition

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    Here’s the results from this weeks Ring of Honor Episode featuring ROH vs. S.C.U.M.

    We begin with a recap of last week’s S.C.U.M.’s challenge to ROH.

    Kevin Steen comes out and is about to talk and is interrupted by Jay Briscoe who says that Steen is a bitch and he will beat him for the ROH World title.  Steen is about to respond but is interrupted by Steve Corino who talks trash to Jay.  Finally Steen is allowed to talk and when he does he says that he is proud to be ROH Champion and he will be even prouder when he beats both Briscoe Brothers for the title and tells Jay “we’ll see who the bitch is, Bitch” and the leaves the ring.  Corino then trash talks Jay some more until Jay pulls out a weapon he has hidden in his sling and is about to attack Corino with it until S.C.U.M. and ROH members come out, start brawling which leads us to our first match of the night:

    Match 1: Rhett Titus & Cliff Compton Def. Coleman & Alexander with help from S.C.U.M. members Jimmy Rave and Jimmy Jacobs.

    Match 2: Jimmy Jacobs def Mikey Mondo- Jacobs used held onto the ropes to get the win.

    This week we got no Inside ROH but Inside S.C.U.M. where Steve Corino briefly described all the new members of the group and explains how they were all screwed by ROH.  We then got to Steen who is about to talk about his title match with Jay Briacoe but is cut off again by Corino who is yelling at production for playing the wrong interview ending the segment.

    Match 3: Steve Corino, Matt Hardy & Rhino def. Michael Elgin, Jay Lethal and BJ Whitmer-  Early on Corino offers Lethal a sopt in S.C.U.M. in which Lethal refuses and blows his nose on a S.C.U.M. shirt.  The match ends here with the rest of S.C.U.M. coming out handcuffing Elgin & Lethal to the ropes allowing a 3 on 1 attack of Whitmer in which Matt Hardy pinning him after a Twist Of Fate.

    Post match Jay Briscoe comes out and says S.C.U.M. dies at Supercard of Honor 7 as he, Elgin Lethal and Whitmer all stand in the ring.

    Then we get a Supercard Of Honor rundown (it’s April 5 on ippv) and we fade to black.


  2. iMPACT Wrestling 01/12/12- Confusion and the return of Eric Bischoff


    We start with a replay of the main event title match at Genesis. Where the heelish Roode kicks the ref to get disqualified to hold on the world title. Hardy twist of fate’s him and leaves a selfish Robert kissing the title.

    Roode comes out with a cocky demeanor. Taking his time as the crowd boos him for cheating Hardy. Roode wants to call out Jeff to shake his hand. But instead gets Sting. Who tells The Selfish One that he will have a rematch with Hardy tonight. But this time if Roode tries to cheat his disqualification will result in the title changing hands. Roode throws a temper tantrum before we leave for commerical break.

    We come back to a daytime promo of Crimson who is coming out of a Direct Auto Insurance location running into Morgan. They shoot the sh@# for lack of a better term about how Direct Auto is like family before Morgan reminds Crimson that they have a match tonight against the tag team Job Squad  Robbie E and Robbie T. Awkward.

    To make this sound better The two Robs don’t put up much offense considering that Robbie E keeps wanting to be tagged in when Rob T gets them down only to lose the advantage and be forced to scurry back over to Rob T. Blue Streak (Morgan & Crimson) make short work of them sending Robbie E for a double chokeslam ride to retain the belts. My how the Television title must be collecting dust for this squash. Oh and Magnus and Joe come out after the match and beat down on the champion.

    We are introduced to “The Journey of Garett Bischoff” where we go through all his battles and eventual injury leading up to his return. And that is followed up by his father Eric Bischoff coming out and reminding all of us of his greatest hits. Which more than likely ended up in the five dollar bin next to Boston, the band not the city. Garett comes out and tells his dad that he will (like a cockroach) keep coming back no matter what he does. This leads to a father son bonding session where Garett puts his hands on his dad telling him to never touch him again. Because parental child abuse and “where did he touch you on the bear?” is riveting stuff.

    We have a backstage segment where Winter and Angelina go over there accomplishments in the Knockout Division, Winter being a two time champion which lasted less than 3 weeks. And Angelina’s five knockout title wins, you know back when she wasn’t a time traveling zombie but a Beautiful Person. Winter opponent is the none other than the love birds ODB w/ EY.  We get the usual lock up from Eric Young which the crowd eats up. The sideshow continues as EY runs around the ring getting the crowd laughing. After a pretty decent match where OD grabs her boobs and slaps her ass like a monkey so many times that I think she needs to seek sexaul harassment training. All this before the obligatory run in from Angelina which is foiled by EY who Gorilla Monsoon’s her with a Airplane Spin making him and her dizzy. (overbooking) causing EY to comically drop out of the ring through the ropes. ODB capitalizes with a F5 variation called The Bam giving her the three.

    AJ Styles comes to the ring to call out Kaz to figure what happened last week to cause his partner to walk. What I proceed to witness is a married couple fight. That is until the mistress Christopher Daniels walks down to the ring to direct Kazarian out of the ring like his bitch. Laughing at AJ until she, he attacks him. Kaz pulls Daniels out of the ring.

    An Abyss and Bully Ray segment airs. Then shifts to Ray in the back with Roode who is distraught over his rematch with Hardy. Ray makes a crack about Roode being angry because Ray is trending on twitter. The Bully promises to have Roode’s back tonight as long as he gets a title shot.

    James Storm who is still livid over losing to Angle Genesis night with a cheap low blow and kick to the head, heads down where he calls out Angle. In a replay from a couple months ago Angle isn’t prepared to wrestle. But Sting tells him he has till the end of the commercial break to get ready. Angle who is almost counted out gets his but handed to him in the early part of he match until he takes control after what could be described as a good match full of reverses, competitors using the others show move and near falls leads to Storm dropping Angle with a front lung blower and following up with a super kick for three.

    World title match. Jeff makes a promo where he says he’s ending the selfish generation tonight when he wins the title. When Roode won’t step in the ring when Jeremy Borash is announcing him Hardy baseball slides out of the ring. After earlier dominance where Jeff walked Roode around throwing him into everything he can gets his hands on. That is until a misplaced steel steps jumps rattles Hardy stupid leading to a double 10 count which is when the first 10 count is restated after one of the wrestlers rolls back in. Roode takes control where he lays down Jeff with a blockbuster and the double R spinebuster. Jeff makes a comeback after a stunner and a twist of fate followed by a swanton. Just as the refs hand is coming down for three Ray pulls out the Referee. Causing Hardy to dive outside the ring after him. In all the confusion where Hardy is screaming at the entrance ramp whats going on which causes Hardy’s music to play signaling the end of the show.

  3. Smackdown: 12/16/11.


    Let me level with you, there IS a PPV this Sunday. Seriously. I know what you’re thinking, but I assure the TLC PPV is this Sunday. This might seem baffling if you have been watching WWE programming lately, because you’d think they’d make you care and want to tune in to see it. But they didn’t book much, or do much, and as a result… meh. Let’s just hop to it, shall we? I’m too tired.

  4. WWE Superstars

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    Hey, everybody.  Sorry I’m late this week, but I’m here now and ready to kick off on Super Bowl weekend. 

    Match 1:  Kelly Kelly and Eve Torres vs Katie Lea Burchill and Alicia Fox

    Diva wrestling…BOOOOOOO!!!!  Alicia Fox rolls through a Kelly Kelly lateral press for the win.  Anybody care about Diva matches???  I don’t and its my review, so no time for the Divas here.

    Match 2:  Evan Bourne vs Carlito

    I really like both of these guys.  I find them both extremely entertaining and full of ability.  I know, I know.  There are a lot of people that say Carlito is lazy and doesn’t work hard, but I don’t agree with that.  The guy just makes things look effortless.  He’s graceful in the ring.  As for Evan Bourne, I really wish they would push him in the US title race.  He is absolutely, 100% amazing.  RAW has so many talented guys that they refuse to give substantial pushes to.  These two are prime examples.  This was a fantastic match with a ton of false finishes!!!  Bourne wins with the Shooting Star Press after a Sunset Flip Powerbomb off the top rope.  This match gets two thumbs way way way up!

    Main Event:  John Morrison, Matt Hardy and The Great Khali vs The Hart Dynasty and Drew McIntyre

    Anytime you get John Morrison, Drew McIntyre, and The Hart Dynasty, you get a good match.  Fatt Lardy sucks now and Khali can’t move, but there is always something negative to every positive.  It’s just how the world works.  The Punjabi Playboy needs to hang it up and Hardy needs to be released…and soon.  How are those two supposed to be a credible tag team when they can’t do anything???  Matt Hardy hits the Twist of Fate and Khali hits the Punjabi Plunge on David Hart Smith for the win.  Matt Hardy does some type of dance to finish the show.  Very weird!

    See ya next week, my peeps!

  5. ECW 12/29


    We’re at the final ECW of the year, and if rumors are to be believed we may be nearing one of the last ECW’s ever. We’ve got more ECW homecoming matches with Matt Hardy and Evan Bourne making their returns.

  6. WWE Superstars Review

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    What up, Peeps?!  Let’s get this thing crackilackin’…

    The show starts with “The Cutting Edge” with the World Heavyweight Champ hosting the number one contender Jeff Hardy

    Edge starts off talking about their long and storied pasts and how it needs to end at Judgement Day.  He then calls Jeff a loser and tells him to crawl back into his hole.  Jeff has gotten better on the mic, but he continues to yell everything.  This ends with Hardy hitting the Twist of Fate and the Swanton Bomb.  Whatever…moving on.

    The first match of the evening is the Diva tag match with Miss Wrestlemania Santina Marella and Kelly Kelly taking on Beth Phoenix and Rosa Mendez

    Diva wrestling blows!  Santino..errr…Santina is hilarious, but Kelly Kelly sucks.  This match was funny when Santino/a was involved.  Otherwise, it was a big fat stinky turd.  Anyways, Kelly Kelly gets the pin on Rosa.  This match gets a 3 out of 10 just because of the pure comedic gold that is Santino/a.

    Woo Woo Woo.  The next match of the night is Finlay and Zack Ryder.  You know it!

    Youtube the video entitled “My new haircut” and tell me Ryder doesn’t look like the douchebag in that video.  Woo Woo Woo… Finlay handles Zach Ryder in a pretty short one.  This match gets a 5 out of 10.  You know it!

    The Main Event of the evening and a match that should Main Event at a ppv in the near future is The Shaman of Sexy John Morrison against Chris Jericho.

    What a main event!  John Morrison in amazing and Chris Jericho is….Chris f’ing Jericho!!!  I want Morrison’s coat…that thing is awesome.  Jericho has gotten a little pudgy lately, but is still great.  Morrison maybe the most athletic guy in the WWE, and that’s saying something…that guy can hit some sick spots!  The end of the match sees Shelton Benjamin’s music hitting and him appearing on screen.  This distracts Morrison and Jericho hits the Code Breaker for the win.  This match gets a 8.5 out of 10. 

    My favorite thing Jericho has ever done was the bet he had with Christian over who could hook up with Trish first.  The bet was for…wait for it…wait for it…ONE CANADIAN DOLLAR!  LMAO!!!  There’s my cheap Christian plug of the night.

    Overall this show was pretty good.  It had good humor with Santino/a and a great match with Jericho and Morrison.  The show gets a 7.5 out of 10.  And now I shall leave you with a fact of life as I know it…The Office is awesome!!!