TNA Impact 26/12/13
2 CommentsWrestling doesn’t take breaks so neither do we. Maybe they should, so that we could. Selfish bastards.
Wrestling doesn’t take breaks so neither do we. Maybe they should, so that we could. Selfish bastards.
The Impact Review; Five years without an introduction. The show started with Magnus backstage. He asked for Dixie and Hardy but neither of them were there yet, implying they spent a week together. He headed out to the ring and said he loves wrasslin. He also defected to America. Money talks in America but he’s […]
It’s Friday the 13th and so far the only bad thing to happen to me is that I have to review Impact.
I think I’ve actually worked out how to do a review now. It only took five years.
I watch, write, and suffer because Joe can’t. Hi, it’s Mark here from the Impact reviews. Joe couldn’t be here today so you have me. Oh this is going to be painful.
I had bacon sandwiches for lunch today. No turkey for me.
I’m pretty damn sleep deprived and this probably won’t get read on the air. Guess we could be in for a legit lazy review. It never is.
I hate repeating myself so always change the intro. I also hate repition, so I’ve got no clue why I chose to be the Impact reviewer.
Today for lunch I’m eating leftover pizza! Let’s see what Impact is offering.
Tired, eating lunch, same shit, different week. Speaking of the same shit on a different week, it’s time for the TNA review!