Tag Archive: Drew McIntyre

  1. WWE RAW 5/26/14 – RAW is Memorial Day

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    First things first.  Happy Memorial Day, and a thank you to those who have made that ultimate sacrifice to allow guys like me to sit here and talk about whatever the hell they want to on the internet.  Second, happy 3rd Anniversary to my beautiful wife, Mrs. ThinkSoJoE.  Third, happy birthday to my friend and BWF Radio co-host Mark Noyce.  Now that the formalities are out of the way, let’s get this 3 hour show out of the way.  This is one of those “I don’t feel like watching this show” nights.  So we’re going to skip through it and give you basically what you need to know to follow the current storylines.  Sound good?  Let’s go.

    I watch 30 minutes, leave, then watch the whole show from the beginning, just so you don’t have to.  Maybe that’s why ratings are slumping?


  2. WWE RAW 5/19/2014 – What do you know about May 19th?

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    So.  Here’s an interesting predicament.  My computer is not currently allowing me to search Google.  So it might actually be somewhat difficult for me to find images to post in this review.  Apparently some jackass on the same wireless network I’m on was sending automated requests to Google which caused them to Ambrose “nope.”  So, let’s hope for the best!

    I watch 30 minute of RAW then leave for work to watch the rest here and type up what happened, mostly so YOU don’t have to suffer through it yourself.  Aren’t you lucky to know me?


  3. WWE RAW 5/5/14

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    You know, I think my couch might be a little too comfortable.  Last night I fell asleep watching Extreme Rules, which was a solid event top to bottom, and tonight I fell asleep watching RAW.  Maybe it’s just me recovering from the illness that kept me from doing this RAW review last week.  Who knows.  Maybe it was RAW that put me to sleep?  Guess we’ll find out over the next few hours.  Let’s go!

    Blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda.  You know my deal by now.  Watch at home, leave before it ends, watch again to review.  Just click the jump.


  4. WWE RAW 4/21/14 – Clever title here.

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    Alright.  In the interest of full disclosure, I really don’t feel like doing this right now.  I really don’t care what’s going on tonight on Monday Night RAW, and to be fully honest, I’m much more interested in the NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs, despite the fact that the Blues lost and as I’m typing this, the Ducks are losing.  There’s other reasons why I’m not really feeling this, but I will try to let WWE take me away from all the bullshit I’m dealing with right now.  So, screw it, let’s go!

    I only watched an hour before I left.  So, that’s fun.  Hopefully the rest of the show is better. (more…)

  5. WWE RAW 2/17/14 – Go Home, Chamber, You’re Drunk

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    It’s the last stop on the road to the last ever Pay Per View us folks in the US will ever have to spend $54.95 on.  The WWE Network premieres next Monday, but let’s see what the WWE have in store for us before we get there, shall we?  Let’s roll!

    I watch 30 minutes.  I leave.  Then I have to sit through this show a week later.  Maybe next week I won’t have to watch it by nefarious means once I get to work.  Time will tell.


  6. BWF WrestleMania 28 Pregame Show Podcast

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    That’s right folks! We’re on the cusp of the culmination of the Celebration of Professional Wrestling Week here at Bored Wrestling Fan and Wonderpod Online… and the Grand Daddy of them all, WrestleMania 28, is only a few hours away! Needless to say, we’re all excited and pumped to watch the PPV tonight. ThinkSoJoE, JT, and myself gathered around our microphones to talk about what to expect on tonight’s show in relation to RAW, Smackdown, and various news and rumors that have occurred since last Sunday’s official prediction podcast. There’s a couple particular notable ex-WWE stars in Miami over the weekend, and the WWE has announced that one of next years WrestleMania matches will be announced on Monday… or perhaps even teased tonight. What might happen? So as you count the hours down, what better a way to get even MORE pumped up than to check out our pregame show?


  7. Smackdown, 11/26/10. Setting up the King of the Ring


    Tonight’s Smackdown will feature four King of the Ring qualifying matches for the upcoming tournament on Monday Night RAW. It’s nice to see this tournament coming back, but first I have to suffer through Smackdown to see how the story unfolds. It’s also the fallout SD episode after Survivor Series. The outcome of the PPV was all status quo with title defences outside of Natalya’s Diva win.

    At least I can post this random animated gif for you:

    I love this clip


  8. Smackdown 11/19/10

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    With Survivor Series on Sunday, this is Smackdown’s last chance to add some fuel to the fire and generate some buys. After the Old School RAW on Monday, most of the card was flushed out. Are there any loose strings? Perhaps. Also, we have some future endeavors to discuss briefly after the jump.

  9. Smackdown: 11/12/10


    While the WWE tours Europe, they managed to tape a Smackdown for us. All we know for sure, is that on RAW we were told Otunga is facing Edge tonight Where in the world is Alberto Del Rio? Let’s find out…

    HEY KIDS! CLICK THE LINK FOR THE ANSWER! EVEN BIG SHOW WANTS YOU TO. He also wants you to buy Knucklehead on DVD. He said, “Please, for the love of god, please.”
