Tag Archive: Random Randomness

  1. Random Randomness


    Welcome to the new edition of Random Randomness, well not really new, just now with less wrestling and more random.  I figured that since I’m a part of BWF Radio (listen damnit) I wouldn’t rehash my opinions twice in the same week, so the articles may be a bit shorter or there may not be one at all some weeks, it all depends on what I can find out there in the world.  So without further ado, lets get this show on the road:


  2. Random Randomness


    Coming off the heels of a monumentally awesome birthday I return refreshed and rejuvenated or maybe it’s just the coffee.  Thanks to all who wished me a a happy birthday if it was on here facebook, twitter, or google+ (yeah I actually got one on there).   Now to get back on track and see what’s going on in the world of whatever: (more…)

  3. Random Randomness


    Welcome to another week of this here articlecast here and after 3 years I’m quite amazed to sill be here and doing this since in my younger years I would’ve given this up by now.  But I can happily say that I’m glad to be here and going (somewhat) strong. so without further ado lets get this show on the road: (more…)

  4. Random Randomness

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    Well it’s that time of year again where the countdown begins to mine and Joe’s birthday also known as Halloween.  So while the Halloween movie is being overplayed like the latest here today gone today music sensation, things still happen.  So without further ado, lets get this show on the road but this time I’m including some Halloween JT trivia facts: (more…)

  5. Random Randomness

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    Well I’m back after a brief hiatus in which my surgery went well but then I ended up experiencing the worst pain ever to getting better to be here with you all today.  I was thinking about doing a “week in the life of” article on it but I figured you wouldn’t want to hear about my bodily functions anyway.  So since some things have been happening since I’ve ladt been here, lets talk about some of them: (more…)

  6. Random Randomness


    It’s that time again and all I can say is what a week.  So much has happened it the realm of everything random and I don’t know if I will remember it all.  Please stay tuned at the end of the broadcast for a very special announcement from me.


  7. Random Randomness


    WOW October already!  Where has this year gone?  Next thing it’ll be Halloween followed by the greatest day of them all followed by Christmas then it’ll be 2012.  But it’s still 2011 and right now is here and well land we still have a lot goings on in the world. (more…)

  8. Random Randomness


    Well it’s me again back with another edition of this very article for you reading enjoyment or something.  I hope you enjoyed some of what I did last week since I may be doing more of it in the future.  But it’s not about the past, it’s about the present, so lets get this show on the road: (more…)