Posts written by JT

  1. Randomness Podcast

    Well Happy Mothers Day to all of the mothers and to celebrate I figured I’d do something different. Well not really, since I’ve been talking about doing one of these for months now, I finally got around to doing the first ever Randomness Podcast, so enjoy and thanks for listening: Randomness Podcast 1

  2. Random Randomness

    Howdy folks.  It’s Sunday again an you know what that means, another randomization of all things random in this random world with random implications and random consequences.  So without further ado, lets get this show on the road:

  3. Random Randomness

    How is everybody this week?  Well as the world turns and the days get longer and we get closer to our inevitable end, I realized something.  I have another article to write.  Well without further ado, here it is:

  4. Extreme Rules Roundtable

    Just like the WWE, once a year the BWF network goes EXTREME!!!!!!!  Welcome everyone to the Extreme Rules Roundtable, I am your host JT and tonight is a Roundtable like no other, wait actually it is, oh well but it’s still cool though.  Joining me tonight is BWF’s very own lovely and talented Drogoddess, Gee […]

  5. Random Randomness

    Well it’s early morning here in JTland and since I’m up and not drunk, I figured I’d give this to you a little early so I don’t have to do it later when I get up.  So lets take a look back at this past week and see what went down:

  6. Random Randomness

    Howdy folks and welcome to another edition of your favorite Sunday article by me.  As the temperature changes here in JTland from record high temps one day to snow the next, the world still turns.  Well now without further ado, lets get this show on the road:

  7. For Your Reading Pleasure

    I did a guest spot over at Gee’s website Project Wonderboy.  It was up yesterday but since I was already out when I got the link I couldn’t let you all know about it until today so here it is:

  8. Wrestlemania 26 Roundtable

    Welcome all to the first ever Wrestlemania Roundtable.  I am your host JT thank you for joining us as we talk about the big one, Wrestlemania 26.  Joining me today are fellow BWF writers Drowgoddess, Tharvey1, fellow readers and message board alumnus Rytman and Gee, and last but not least the boss himself ThinkSoJoE.  Thank […]

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