Posts written by JT

  1. BWF Roundtable: The 2010 Royal Rumble

    Welcome everybody to the critically acclaimed BWF Roundtable.  I am your host as tonight we talk about the 2010 Royal Rumble.  Joining me tonight are BWF authors Tharvey1 and ThinkSoJoE, as well as message board and Roundtable regular RYMAN to give everyone their picks for the Royal Rumble.  Well without further ado, lets get this […]

  2. Random Randomness

    What’s going on people, hope you all have been well since we last met.  Sorry I’m a little late but I had a very late night last night and can still feel the after effects of it so without further ado, lets get this show on the road:

  3. Random Randomness

    Hi and welcome to the first edition of Random Randomness for 2010.  I hope everybody had a happy and safe New Years holiday. But even though there was holiday There was till a lot going on in the wrestling world.

  4. BWF Roundtable: TLC

    Welcome to another edition of the BWF Roundtable.  I am JT, your host for the evening as we look at the TLC pay per view.  Joining me tonight are BWF writers Drowgoddess & Tharvey1 along with fellow BWF follower RYTMAN.  Well without further ado lets get this show on the road:

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