This is my most hated week of the year. Don’t get me wrong, I love my country, and I love my neighbors to the north in Canada, but in the business I work in outside of BoredWrestlingFan, and in the city in which I work in said business, this is one of the most stressful […]
Last week ended on a positive note. I had hope that things were looking up for WWE. Then I watched the first 30 minutes of this show. Now I’m dreading watching the rest of it. My night has been pretty good so far though, what with the Chicago Blackhawks winning the Stanley Cup over my […]
I have hope. I have hope that after last night, the WWE is ready to turn the corner and start producing compelling television. CM Punk is back. Rob Van Dam is coming back. They pulled off the elusive double turn with Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler, which I fully expect them to solidify on […]
To think, this is where it all started, just over five years ago, as I demanded to know where my cut of Vince McMahon’s money was. Yes, the first real article was about an episode of RAW where you could “Win Vince McMahon’s Money.” Remember that? Seemed like longer ago that all that happened, but […]
Ok. It’s 2AM. I just had to reset my laptop to my last backup image, which was back in March, which means I just lost a shit-ton of stuff. So, keep regular backups, kids. Fear not, because I’m still here to review RAW. I will warn you that there will be a LOT of fast […]
I’m totally looking forward to this. I have no desk, so I’m pretty much trying to make myself a space as I go, and this show has sucked for the last three weeks. Plus I’ve already seen the first 30 minutes of this show, and it doesn’t look promising, although a text from Jorge of […]
Oh shit. Am I doing this again? It’s I, ThinkSoJoE, filling in for RYTMAN while he takes care of some family issues, and on behalf of all of us at BoredWrestlingFan, I wish him and his family well. But after the last two weeks of RAW, I’m not exactly thrilled with actually having to watch the […]
All quotes are courtesy of Twitter @WWEUniverse After a brief recap of last week’s program, we go right to the ring with Jerry Lawler welcoming us to a dance-off. Jerry introduces FAHN… No, I’m not doing it. We get a look at Fandango’s win over Jericho at Wrestlemania, as Jerry introduces Fandango. Summer Rae is […]
All quotes are courtesy of Twitter @WWEUniverse We open with a “special report” of Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar “invading” WWE headquarters. We are shown stills, and told there is more to come later. We recap Ryback leaving Cena to the mercy of The Shield (who has none.) Monday Night RAHHHHHHHH opens with John Cena […]
MATCH RESULTS RICARDO RODRIGUEZ DEF. BIG E. LANGSTON & ZEB COULTER – This is a Triple Threat match, with each man representing a superstar in the Triple Threat for the World Heavyweight Championship at Extreme Rules. The winner decides the stipulation in that match. The match is basically Big E. brutalizing Ricardo while Zeb hangs […]