Main Event Results G’s Birthday Edition
Leave a CommentWell here we are for this weeks edition of Main Event which this week happened on our very own G’s birthday, Happy Birthday G! So here’s what happened: (more…)
Well here we are for this weeks edition of Main Event which this week happened on our very own G’s birthday, Happy Birthday G! So here’s what happened: (more…)
Time for our second elimination. Personally I voted for Husky Harris figuring that he, Cannon and Cottonwood would be on the bubble, with Kaval, Watson and McGillicutty safe. And maybe if I’m lucky Riley maybe falling through the cracks.
We open with the NXT rookies being brought out. Tonight is the Pros and Fans Poll.
I’ve voted but unfortunately you only get to vote for who will be the next breakout star. You don’t get to rank them.
Straight to the intro tonight
We have out first Pro vs Rookie match tonight as Cody Rhodes take’s on Mark Henry’s rookie Lucky Cannon.
We open with the new announcer Ashley Vallence, a rather generic new diva. She tells us about the Pros Poll next week and when voting will open.
The Pros come out. Mark Henry is wearing a shirt the says I Got Lucky.
The first match is a tag team match, Alex Riley and the Mizand their opponents are MVP and “Showtime” Percy Watson.
Thes guys really do look right together.
Riley wants to start and wants to face Percy Watson, instead of MCO. Watson dancing around. He eats a knee and a headlock and is run over with a shoulderblock.
Headlock by Riley. Another shoulder. A leapfrog by Watson then he gets a dropkick on the reboud. Followed by a second. Front facelock and MVP comes in. Double hiptoss.
MVP tosses Riley, even saying “Annnndddd Out you go,” as he does it.
Miz yells him, then tags in. Watson comes back in. Suplex. Watson loses his glasses. Forearms by Miz. Riley in with a shot to the gut. Hard whip to the corner and a corner crush. Miz chokes him on the ropes.
Riley with a rear chinlock. MVP chant by the crowd. Jawbreaker by Watson. MVP in. Belly to belly throw. Asiatic thrust. Facebreaker. Ballin Elbow. Riley with a kick to the hamstring and he tags out.
Watson in. Flying clothesline. Leaping splash. It’s like he dropkicks the air then turns over as he falls.
Hotshot by Miz. Skull crushing finale for the win. By the way we learned the Riley calls himself the Varsity Villain.
We get Titus O’Neil’s promo. He talks about his troubled youth and his twin sons. He’s in the University of Florida’s Hall of Fame.
He’s up next.
Cole mentions NXT season 1’s attack on Vince.
His opponet is Michael McGillicutty. He was interviewed earlier. He called his mother last week after his first win. It’s a moment he’ll never forget.
Tie up. Titsu throws him to the corner and hits a choulder. Mike with a kick to the knee and a headbutt. He hits the ropes but is caught. They’re just fighting it out.
Big clothesline. Rear chinlock. Fights out but there’s a botch and he gets dropped to the mat. Bodyslam by O’Neil but Mike McPerfect gets hits knees up on a splash. He hits his neckbreaker finish for the win.
Next up is Kaval vs Eli Cottonwood, which gets a tale of the tape. Matthews says it’s a Porche 911 vs a Mac Truck along with other superlatives.
Laycool comes down to ringside with Kaval. Morrison with Cottonwood.
Kaval with kicks. Gets backed up but hits a double kick to the chest and a rolling kick.
Cottonwood throws him to the corner and then stomps him. Bearhug. Rams him into the corner. Chokes. Kaval gets an armbar to the rope. Kick to the chest.
Springbaord kick to the chin. Eli throws him over the top. He lands on the apron. Double stomp to the back of the head. Two count. Front chokeslam by Eli for the win. And the crowd doesn’t mind.
Lucky Cannon promo again. In 2004 he got hit in the back of the head with a lead pipe helping a friend and he talks about the rehab.
Next up is the update about the attack.
Laycool is giving some support to Kaval. Michelle says thrid times the charm. They give him a pink shirt that says property of LayCool and he tries very hard to be polite.
Next we get a replay of the setup for the Rhodes/Cannon match. Striker just wants to put Rhodes smacking him behind him.
I really don’t have anything to say about the replay of the beating. No comment on Vince’s health. AnonGM says these actions will be met with appropriate consequences.
Hucky Harris accompanies Cody to the ring.
Henry accompanies Cannon. Both are wearing the I got Lucky shirt.
Cody on the mike. He says he said Lucky would be lucky to last five minutes with him. So this is a five minute challenge.
Cannon into the corner and Rhodes points at the clock. Armbar. Slaps Lucky. Headlock takeover.
Michael Cole won’t stop praising him. Dropkick to Lucky who roles outside. Punch by Rhodes. Double leg takedown by Cannon. Rhodes grabs a facelock and rolls over. Rhodes with a knee to the side of the head. Elbow to the back of the head.
Rhodes sets up an upside down Gorybreaker. Cannon slips out and gets a rollup. Lucky ducks a punch, hits a flapjack. Kick to the face by rhodes who then runs into a big boot.
Matthews points out he’s doing it to a former tag champ as Cole kept talking about that.
Cannon over the top, Rhodes with a kick to the face. Crossrhodes with 1:02 minutes left.
The rookies now get a chance to talk before the poll next week. Each guy gets 45 seconds.
Alex Riley does a stereotypical jerk jock. Kaval apparently tried to get in WWE ten years ago but was told he was to small. Titus O’Neill had to work just like everyone else in the audience. Always told what he wouldn’t do. But he will make it. McGillicutty possesses no weaknesses and he’s undefeated. And he times his promo PERFECTLY. Cottonwood is the baddest and meanest. He’s patient. He’ll lie in the weeds and hide in the shadows until he can strike with a vengeacnce. But this means nothing because his actions speak louder than his words. Percy Watson likes to have a good time just like the WWE Universe. He’s getting better and better and he’s got two words for us. Oh yeah. Lucky is lucky because he stands on his own two feet and he knows and appreciates everything he has. Hucky Harris doesn’t need 45 seconds. He beats down Striker.
We’re onto our second week of the second season of NXT with half of the roster yet to wrestle. Last week we had two tag team matches, pros teaming with rookies.
This week Kaval being “mentored” by Lay-Cool should break up that streak.
We open with Matt Striker in the ring. He talks about unanswered questions after last week. So they bring everyone back out to answer those questions.
So tonight we get eight new rookies. And nine new pros.
Of course last night all eight former rookies came out and took apart John Cena, the Straight Edge Society and the announcing crew as well as the ringside area.
While it’s pretty popular, overall I’m against it. I have no interest in them as a group, instead of as individuals.
With the Raw roster stuck in Europe they need to change things up. Daniel Bryan needs to win to show all his problems are based on the Miz.
We open up with Striker introducing the rookies who are in the ring. Random order. We’re down to three weeks befoe elimination.
The challenge this week is an American Gladiators thing where you have to knock the other guy off a platform with a pugil stick. They call it Rock Em Sock Em Rookies.
Slater and Otunga start. Slater wins with a jab to the chest. Skip Sheffield and Wade Barrett are next. They both go off because when Barrett falls he falls forward. Next two are Michael Tarver and Daniel Bryan. Tarver refuses to compete. He then shoves him. And Darren Young and Justin Garbriel last. Gabriel falls off fairly easily.
In the main event Heath Slater wrestles Chris Jericho.
We get some pros talking about Wade Barrett.
Our first match is David Otunga. He’s accompanied by R-Truth who looks to be in very good shape despite being blown up last night. The announcers are really pushing the A-List nickname.
His opponent is Justin Gabriel. Matt’s out with him and his arm isn’t taped.
Waistlock takedown hard by Otunga. Gabriel armdrags out of a second attempt. Kick to the gut and a headlock by Otunga. Shoulderblock. Slide under and Gabriel armdrafs him then dropkicks him.
Otunga crawls under the ropes and snaps one into Gabriel’s face. Neckvice. Discus punch attempt by Gabriel block, and spun into a neckbreaker. Reverse chinlock with knee in the back.
Gabriel avoids an elbow. Headscissors sends Otunga’s oput and a sommersault senton, which R-Truth enjoyed. Springbaord crossbody. Russian legsweep. Otunga avoids a 450 and then tosses him out. Gabriel leaps over the top into a sunset flip. Otunga wants R-Truth to grab his hands. Truth refuses and Gabriel gets the three count. Truth walks out post match. This follows up the announcers talking about Otunga not listening to Truth’s advice.
Semis of Rock Em Sock Em Rookies. Skip Sheffield advances over Heath Slater. Darren Young’s hair is even weirder this week, sweeping forward. He beats Bryan.
Michael Tarver apparently has a match. No, it’s an interview. He’s done being overlooked, and he doesn’t play by their rules. He has no intention to dance on a balloon like a monkey. He’s a bulldog off the leash. He issues and open challenge. Skip Sheffield comes out. Turn your upper lip south and shut your mouth. Here comes CM Punk and the Straight Edge Society. Punk says they aren’t the only ones looking for competition.
He shows Young’s match with Gallows and Punk raising his hand. Punk believes in the law of the jungle, of competition. He does this to keep them on their toes. He says this just became a Triple Threat.
Sheffield and Tarver target Young. Sheffield goes over the top. Tavrver ducks his head, eats a kick and gets clotheslined over the top.
Young is being double teamed with both of them stomping. Shoulders in the corner. Corner clothesline by Sheffield. Tarver with a snap suplex. Belly to Belly by Skip. They start breaking up pins. Young is sent hard into the ringpost.
Tarver and Sheffield fight. Corner clothesline, big splash. Young tosses Skip. TOrnado forearm and a flying shoulder by Young. Backdrop. He’s going up top. Gallows flips him off and attacks Skip. Tarver misses his knockout punch and Young finally gets to use his finisher, a dragon suplex into a face buster, for the win.
And now for the finals of Rock Em Sock Em Rookies. Skip won it, but it was close. No, actually it was to close so they’re doing a rematch. Sheffield gets it done decisively this time. He then quotes Keanu Reeves from the movie Hardball saying the most important part of life is showing up.
Time for the main event. Barrett accompanies Jericho.
Slater starts pounding away on Jericho but Jericho quickly takes over. Back suplex. Kick to the face. Back elbow. Catapult into the bottom rope. Snapmare, chinlock and half nelson. Slater fights out but gets a dropkick. Misses the Lionsault.
Clothesline. Running forearm in the corner. Ducks his head and gets a boot, but Slater avoids a clothesline and gets a eneckbreaker. Poke to the eye. Small package and he very cockily prepares for the Walls of Jericho and Slater scores the upset win. Jericho pitches a fit.
Once again an excellent show. I’m a little surpised Edge didn’t accompany Slater since he and Christian are old buddies. Of course not near as surprised as I am by the Slater victory.
Young looks to be primed for a rematch with Skip Sheffield next week, since they could easily have Gallows wondering if he just picked the wrong guy to help.
They tied the end of the Otunga match together with what the announcers had been talking about very well. I think that may have been the first time we’ve seen Gabriel without the 450.
They seem to be focusing less on Daniel Bryan these days. I suppose it’s to keep him from being to overexposed.
I was figuring on minor movement of the pros poll but it looks like they could change things a lot when they do it in a few weeks.
Apparently, we’ve only got two matches tonight, both tag team action getting all eight competitors onto the show in one night.
Also I provide some thoughts on the rookies at the end.
It’s time for the only hour of pro wrestling on Monday nights, ROH! (more…)
ECW’s got Vince McMahon making some announcements. And we open with Abraham Washington having ECW champ Christian on the show, fresh off his successful defense against Ezekial Jackson.