Category Archive: JT’s Random Randomness

  1. Random Randomness

    Well here we go again with another edition of your favorite JT article.  I can actually say that I watched everything this week, (doesn’t mean longer article just that I watched everything) and here’s what I think:

  2. Random Randomness

    Well it’s been awhile but I’m back to do what it is I do here each and every week so without further ado, let’s get the ball rolling: (Note- this is being written without me viewing Smackdown on on 7/31 & 8/7 and Superstars on 8/6)

  3. Random Randomness

    Wow what a week.  Happy whatever you are celebrating in your part of the world and welcome to the best couple of minutes you never get back.  Well lets hope this will be the last week in a while that I have to start of with this:

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