Category Archive: JT’s Random Randomness

  1. Random Randomness

    Well I’m back here for another week of what’s going on in the world of whatever, whenever, whomever, wherever, whyever and however. (Wow I can’t believe I just wrote that!)  Lets hope I can remember everything that I wanted to talk about:

  2. Random Randomness

    What’s up everyone and a Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers out there including mine out there in the great beyond.  This is my first of many Fathers Day’s that I’ll have to experience without him.  I just want to let him know that I miss and love him very much and things just […]

  3. Random Randomness

    Well what’s up folks, good to see you all here alive and well again and welcome back to another edition of your favorite Sunday article by yours truly.  While things keep going and the world keeps turning, I sit back and say to myself, “I can’t believe I just wrote this”.  So lets get this […]

  4. Random Randomness

    Well when it comes down to it there’s nothing like a good stiff drink with some good friends and some good food.  But what isn’t fun is when you have the worst sinus infection and allergies at the same time.  I was fortunate to experience all this in the same week, yay me.  But lots […]

  5. Random Randomness

    Well with then end of the world not happening or now not happening until October, I guess we are here for a few more months I guess. Well that’s not really a bad thing since we are still up and running to give you the best at what we do, what ever that may be. […]

  6. Macho Randomness

    After the events of friday, I decided not to do a regular Random Randomness.  I’m gonna keep this short and sweet.  I’m not gonna boast on how great Macho Man was because we all know how great he was.  I’m now gonna say how his match with Ricky Steamboat at Wrestlamania 3 was the greatest […]

  7. Random Randomness

    Welcome again folks to me ranting and raving about whatever I feel like in as little words as I can because I feel that less is more in my insane head of mine.  So lets see how short of an article I can make this week:

  8. Random Randomness

    Well hello out there. Long time no see, well I’ve seen the site just the site hasn’t seen much from me lately.  But here it is your big surprise, my big return.  What did you actually think that we were gonna charge you?  Well it’s good to be back and let’s this show on the […]

  9. Random Randomness

    Well here we are the time of year that is almost Wrestlemania time as college basketball hits it’s tournament to crown a National Champion (GO ORANGE!)  but since this is a wrestling website, and Wrestlemania is only 2 weeks away I think there should be some wrestlemaina talk so lets go:

  10. Random Randomness

    Well here I am back on my usual time slot on Sunday, mostly because I didn’t feel like doing this yesterday, but it’s great to be back in my regular time slot.  Will this be a permanent thing, I don’t know just yet, but for right now does it really even matter as long as […]

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